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Kulagun Oleg - Cleopatra's arrival in Tars.
Cleopatra's arrival in Tars.
by a picture
Kulagun Oleg - Evening. Beacon.
Evening. Beacon.
by а drawing
Kulagun Oleg - Big stones
Big stones
by а drawing
Kulagun Oleg - Soviet Harbour.
Soviet Harbour.
Plastinin Vladimir - A ray of  sunlight on the pines
A ray of sunlight on the pines
by а drawing
Plastinin Vladimir - Summer on the lake Skvordino
Summer on the lake Skvordino
by а drawing
Plastinin Vladimir - Flowers
by a picture
Plastinin Vladimir - Small river and fir
Small river and fir
by а drawing
Kulagun Oleg - Sea fortress 2.
Sea fortress 2.
by a picture
Kulagun Oleg - Le bord espagnol.
Le bord espagnol.
by a picture
Kulagun Oleg - La m?lodie de l'onde. L'aspect dans l'encadrement.
La m?lodie de l'onde. L'aspect dans l'encadrement.
by a picture
Kulagun Oleg - La temp?te de nuit.
La temp?te de nuit.
by a picture
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