Kulagun Oleg Dmitrievish city: Ryazan, Russia
register_date: 14.03.10
works_number: 213
rate: 27243


Sunset over the Ayu-Dag.
Sunset over the Ayu-Dag.
by a picture
The waves of the Barguzin Bay.
The waves of the Barguzin Bay.
by а drawing
by а drawing
In his element.
In his element.
by а drawing
Salty surf.
Salty surf.
by a picture
Evening at the rocky shore.
Evening at the rocky shore.
by a picture
Neapolitan night with views of the Vesuvius.
Neapolitan night with views of the Vesuvius.
by a picture
Bay in the moonlight.
Bay in the moonlight.
by a picture
After the rain.
After the rain.
by а drawing
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