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Kulagun Oleg - Moonilght in Constantinople (copy Aivazovski).
Moonilght in Constantinople (copy Aivazovski).
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Kulagun Oleg - On the island of Crete (copy Aivazovsky).
On the island of Crete (copy Aivazovsky).
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Kulagun Oleg - Towers on the coast of the Bosporus.
Towers on the coast of the Bosporus.
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Kulagun Oleg - Seaside landscape (copy Aivazovsky).
Seaside landscape (copy Aivazovsky).
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Kulagun Oleg - Along the coast of Yalta.
Along the coast of Yalta.
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Kulagun Oleg - Sea surf.
Sea surf.
by a picture
Kulagun Oleg - Girl and sea.
Girl and sea.
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Kulagun Oleg - Mountain OASIS.
Mountain OASIS.
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Kulagun Oleg - Goose in pond.
Goose in pond.
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Ivanenko Mikhail - Time for meditations
Time for meditations
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Ivanenko Mikhail - Breeze
Ivanenko Mikhail - Polonaise
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